Business Impact 145: Everyone's Marketing Sounds the Same (here's why)

Plus: AI just made your "unique mechanism" as basic as a pumpkin spice latte...

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Thought of the Week

If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time

Steve Jobs

In this Week’s Newsletter:

Up Front: Why Most Business Books Fail

This Week’s Biz Quiz: Will We Stump You This Time?

Reality Check: Your Website is Bleeding Money

Strategic Thinking : The Mechanism Trap

Need Help?: Help is On The Way!


The Real Reason Most Business Books Fail (Plus a Quick Quiz That'll Blow Your Mind)

Quick question for you...

What's the purpose of a book's introduction?

No seriously. Take a guess.

(I'll wait...)

If you said something like "introduce the topic" or "give background"...

You're doing it wrong.

And that's exactly why most business books collect dust instead of generating clients.

Have you noticed how EVERYONE is pushing "write your book" programs lately?

It's like watching seagulls fight over a french fry.

And yeah... I get it.

ChatGPT made book writing "easy."

So now every guru with a webcam is teaching people how to "become a bestselling author in 48 hours."


But here's what none of these "experts" are telling you:

The book itself isn't the product.

YOU are.

A book is just a really expensive business card...

That happens to be the most powerful authority builder ever created.

Think about it:

When's the last time you saw someone get introduced on a big stage WITHOUT "bestselling author of..." attached to their name?

When's the last time you saw a highly-paid expert who DIDN'T have a book?

There's a reason for this.

Because unlike social media followers (which can be bought)...
Or podcast downloads (which can be faked)...
Or even testimonials (which can be... arranged)...

A book represents something deeper:


It shows you've taken your expertise...
Your methodology...

And organized it into something that can actually help people.

But here's where most people screw up:

They focus on writing a "good book"...

Instead of engineering a CLIENT ATTRACTION SYSTEM.

Because let's be real:

If your book doesn't make people want to work with you...
Hire you...
Or buy from you...

Then all you've done is create a very time-consuming hobby.

This is why most AI-written books fail MISERABLY.

Remember that question from earlier?

About the purpose of an introduction?

Here's what my friend Perry Belcher taught me:

Your introduction is actually a SALES LETTER.

Not for your business...

But for the book itself!

Think about it:

When someone's browsing in a bookstore (or on Amazon)...

What's the first thing they read?

The introduction.

And in that moment...

You have ONE job:

Sell them on reading the rest of your book.

But most people waste this golden opportunity...

Rambling about their credentials...
Or giving unnecessary background...
Or worse - boring people to tears with academic fluff.

(And don't even get me started on how most people use AI to make this even WORSE.)

Because they don't understand how to:
• Create intrigue that drives action
• Build trust through strategic vulnerability
• Engineer "holy shit" moments that stick
• Leave breadcrumbs that lead to natural next steps

So they end up with 200 pages of boring content that puts people to sleep.


If you're thinking about writing a book...

First, good instinct. It's still the fastest way to separate yourself from the masses.

But for the love of God...

Don't fall for these "instant author" programs that are popping up like mushrooms after rain.

And definitely don't try to DIY it with basic AI prompts.

Your expertise deserves better than that.

[If you're serious about creating a book that actually builds your business... and opens doors... hit reply. Let's talk about how to do it RIGHT.]

P.S. Next time you're in a bookstore, read the introduction of any business book. I bet you can spot instantly whether the author understands this principle or not.


Hard Truth. Your Website is Bleeding Money Right Now.

Let's have an uncomfortable conversation.

Your website?

The one you think is doing "pretty good?"

It's probably losing 97% of your potential customers.

And the worst part?

You can't even SEE them leaving.

They're like ghosts...

Haunting your site...

Looking at your products...

Getting RIGHT to the edge of buying...

Then vanishing forever.

(Along with the revenue they could've brought you.)

Here's the thing though...

The tech exists to IDENTIFY these invisible visitors.

To track them.

To get their contact info.

And to bring them back.

(The big boys are paying $5K monthly for this stuff.)

But there's a new player that's making this enterprise-level tech available to everyone...

For a fraction of that price.

It's called ZenWare Insights.

And it's processing over 70 BILLION data points daily...

To help you recover those lost sales.

Want the full story?

Including exactly how much money YOUR site might be losing?

P.S. There’s some crazy early access pricing right now. But it won't last long.


This smart home company grew 200%…

No, it’s not Ring or Nest—it’s RYSE, a leader in smart shade automation, and you can invest for just $1.90 per share.

RYSE’s innovative SmartShades have already transformed how people control their window coverings, bringing automation to homes without the need for expensive replacements.

This year alone, RYSE has seen revenue grow by 200% year over year and expanded into 127 Best Buy stores, with international markets on the horizon. Plus, with partnerships with major retailers like Home Depot and Lowe’s already in the works, they’re just getting started.

Now is your chance to invest in the company disrupting home automation—before they hit their next phase of explosive growth. But don’t wait; this opportunity won’t last long.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Email may contain forward-looking statements. See US Offering for details. Informational purposes only.


Which world-famous retailer used to sell cheesecakes before pivoting to furniture?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter.


The "Mechanism Trap" - Why Even Good Marketers Are Killing Their Sales in 2025

Remember when having a "unique mechanism" was enough?

Those were simpler times...

Back before AI turned everyone and their mother into a "system creator."


Every offer sounds the same:

"My proprietary AI-powered methodology..."
"My revolutionary neural-enhanced framework..."
"My quantum-optimized protocol..."


Look, I get it.

For years, we've been told that mechanism is everything.

That you need a "unique" way of delivering results.

And that was true...

In 2023.

But it's 2025 now.

And something weird happened:

Mechanisms became commodities.

When AI can help ANYONE create a decent-looking system...

Your "proprietary methodology" becomes about as unique as a Starbucks order.

But here's what's actually working:


The ability to make people see their problem differently.

Because here's the truth:

People don't buy mechanisms.

They buy new ways of thinking about their situation.

Look at the biggest winners right now:

They're not selling "better" systems...

They're selling DIFFERENT ANGLES.

Fresh perspectives that make all other approaches feel obsolete.


Instead of another "AI marketing system..."

The winners are saying:

"AI didn't change marketing. It changed MARKETS. Here's why everything you think about customer behavior is wrong in 2025..."

See the difference?

One's trying to compete on mechanism.

The other is shifting the entire conversation.

This is why some marketers are thriving right now...

While others (with equally good products) are struggling.

The strugglers are still playing the mechanism game.

The winners are playing the perspective game.

So here's your wake-up call:

Stop obsessing over your "unique" system.

Start focusing on your unique ANGLE.

Because in 2025...

The most valuable thing you can give people isn't a new methodology...

It's a new way of seeing their world.

That's what they'll actually pay for.

Everything else is just fancy packaging.

P.S. If this triggered you... you might be too attached to your mechanism. Just saying. 😈

Want some help with this? I'm opening up a few consulting slots over the next week for businesses ready to fix their marketing. If you want some real-world, no-nonsense assistance (and stop wasting money on old strategies that don't convert), reply to this email and we'll set something up.


We’re big believers in diversified income generation. We want to work less and play more…so we enthusiastically advocate that you consider investing (wisely) in a variety of areas.

Two of our favorites are below (with deals just for us!)

The Crypto Mastermind. This program, by long-term friend John Limbocker, is a gift to us. John wants to get you educated about the right, safe way to invest in the crypto markets. He’s making an irresistible offer to the PrideNomad community, which he’s agreed to extend to Business Impact subscribers as well.

The Surprising Real Estate Strategy. We mentioned this one recently (above, in fact), and it’s a unique and timeless strategy to help you create significant income streams.

Incredible totally no-fee business banking. It’s who we use!

Quiz Answer


IKEA initially sold wallets, picture frames, table runners, watches, jewelry, and nylon stockings; furniture was added to the IKEA product range in 1948, and the rest is history.

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