Business Impact 142: Why I told a "perfect" client to get lost...

Plus: Is Facebook secretly destroying your business?


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Thought of the Week

You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over.

Richard Branson

In this Week’s Newsletter:

Up Front: Why Facebook Might Be Killing Your Business

This Week’s Biz Quiz: Will We Stump You This Time?

Strategic Thinking : YES—It’s Okay to Reject “Perfect” Prospects

Need Help?: Help is On The Way!


Why Facebook Might Be Slowly Killing Your Business

So I got locked out of Facebook today.

Complete digital death. Profile hidden. Can't message clients. Can't access groups I PAID to be part of.

Just... poof. Gone.

And it got me thinking about all my entrepreneur friends who've built their ENTIRE business empires on Facebook's shaky ground.

Let that sink in for a second...

Their WHOLE business. Their ENTIRE livelihood. Their kid's college fund. Their mortgage payments.

All of it depending on Mark Zuckerberg's mood swings.

That's like building your dream house on someone else's property...

Without a lease...

Or any legal rights...

While the owner stands there with a finger hovering over the "demolish" button.

Sound crazy?

Well, that's exactly what you're doing if social media is your only business lifeline.

Look, I get it.

Facebook makes it easy. Instagram makes it sexy. LinkedIn makes it feel professional.

But here's the uncomfortable truth nobody wants to talk about:

You don't own ANYTHING on these platforms.

Your 100K followers? Rented.

Your engaged community? Borrowed.

Your direct messages with hot prospects? Living on borrowed time.

One algorithm change... One account restriction... One random bot flag...

And your entire business infrastructure could crumble faster than a sandcastle in a hurricane.

This isn't some theoretical doom-and-gloom scenario.

I'm literally writing this while locked out of my own account (some security issue, it seems, yet I can’t get back in…)

And I'm one of the lucky ones...

Because I've always treated social media like the temperamental mistress she is:

Fun to hang out with... But you don't make her your wife.

Here's what you should be doing instead:

• Building your email list (YOU own that)
• Creating your own community platform
• Developing direct relationships with clients
• Having multiple ways to reach your audience

Because let me tell you something...

The day Meta decides your business doesn't align with their "community standards"...

They won't send you a consolation fruit basket.

They won't care about your mortgage.

They'll just hit the ban button and move on to the next profile.

So ask yourself:

If Facebook disappeared tomorrow... would your business survive?

If the answer makes you uncomfortable... we should probably talk about fixing that.

Just my 2 cents from digital jail.

Stay sovereign,
[Your name]

P.S. If you're ready to build a business that YOU actually own... hit reply. Let's chat about it while I'm still locked out of Zuck's playground.


Fast, impartial news that’s actually enjoyable to read

The DONUT: We love you, too, Ron Burgundy. And we also love sifting through the jumbled, biased, and negative mess that is today’s news landscape.

“Why?” or “To what end?” you may ask. Which, tbh, are both great questions we’re still working through in therapy. But you probably don’t care about that.

ANYways… At The DONUT, we aim to turn the time-consuming, anxiety-ridden chore of staying informed into a jargon-free guilty pleasure that ensures you’ll be the most interesting person in the room.

Through a series of newsletters, we deliver impartial, quick, engaging, and easy-to-understand news – all 100% free.

So if you’re sick of being outraged, reading slanted journalism, or just spending time weeding through a bunch of sources to figure out the truth, take 10 seconds to give us a try.


This tech giant, known for its cameras and imaging products, originally started as a pharmaceutical company.

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter.


🔥 Why I Started Rejecting “Perfect” Clients…And Made 3X More Money

Last week, I turned down a client who looked perfect on paper.

Big budget. Ready to start. Perfectly aligned with my services.

Everyone thought I was crazy.

But here's the thing about "perfect" clients...

They often turn into perfect nightmares.

For years, I chased what I THOUGHT were ideal clients:
• Big budgets
• Established businesses
• "Ready to start immediately!"
• Full alignment with my offers

But what I discovered was mind-blowing...

These "perfect" clients were often the WORST to work with.

Why? Because they had no skin in the game.

When something's too easy for people... they don't value it.

Think about that gym membership you got on New Year's. The one that was "such a great deal" you couldn't pass it up.

How many times did you actually go?

But that time you paid premium for a personal trainer? Bet your ass showed up for EVERY session.

Same principle applies in business.

So I started doing something radical...

I began looking for clients who had to STRETCH a little to work with me.

Not financially desperate people...

(Quick reality check: A few years ago, I spoke with Dan Martell about this. He flat-out refuses to offer payment plans for his high-end programs. His reasoning? He wants clients who can truly afford his services. Not people financing their way into desperate situations.)

He's right.

But there's a sweet spot...

I look for clients who CAN afford it... but have to reorganize priorities to make it happen.

The results?
• Better completion rates
• More engaged clients
• Higher success stories
• Less hand-holding
• More referrals
• 3X more revenue

Because these clients are INVESTED.

They had something to prove - to themselves AND to me.

So I developed what I call the "Stretch Strategy":

  1. RAISE prices for clients who can easily afford them
    (Weeds out casual buyers)

  2. Be selective with payment options
    (No desperation plays allowed)

  3. Make them jump through a few strategic hoops
    (Tests their commitment level)

Sound counter-intuitive?

Good. That's exactly why it works.

Because while everyone else is fighting over the "perfect" clients...

I'm building an army of COMMITTED ones.

Here's the truth:

Easy money often comes with hard problems.

Hard-earned money often comes with easy clients.

Choose wisely, grasshopper.

P.S. Was this helpful? Hit reply and let me know. I read every response.


We’re big believers in diversified income generation. We want to work less and play more…so we enthusiastically advocate that you consider investing (wisely) in a variety of areas.

Two of our favorites are below (with deals just for us!)

The Crypto Mastermind. This program, by long-term friend John Limbocker, is a gift to us. John wants to get you educated about the right, safe way to invest in the crypto markets. He’s making an irresistible offer to the PrideNomad community, which he’s agreed to extend to Business Impact subscribers as well.

The Surprising Real Estate Strategy. We mentioned this one recently (above, in fact), and it’s a unique and timeless strategy to help you create significant income streams.

Incredible totally no-fee business banking. It’s who we use!

Quiz Answer


Fujifilm started in 1934 primarily as a producer of photographic films but was originally part of a conglomerate that included a pharmaceutical division, reflecting its roots in chemical manufacturing.

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