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- Business Impact 114: My Client Was Beaten Up.
Business Impact 114: My Client Was Beaten Up.
Here's what happened.
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Thought of the Week
Every problem is a gift—without problems we would not grow.
Up Front: How to Protect Yourself From Business Bullies
This Week’s Quiz: Will We Stump You This Time?
Publisher’s Rant: Snooze And You Lose…
Consider This: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Something Special: Financial Security Regardless of the Economy
Beaten Up by a Business Bully.
My client got beaten up.
Yet the police weren’t called. There wasn’t a drop of blood spilled. No broken bones.
Business Shouldn’t Feel Like a Battle.
But there WAS a broken spirit. And there was an economic loss.
What happened?
My client, let’s call him Dave, booked a meetup event at a local bar. He brought in about 40 people for the evening, and the venue promised they could easily accommodate the group.
Everything went fine for the first hour. Then the venue turned on the game on their big TVs, blasting it so loudly that the participants couldn’t hear each other. One by one, they left, leaving Dave in an embarrassing situation.
Dave begged the venue multiple times to lower the volume. They blew him off.
There were barely a handful of people there who weren’t part of the meetup—Dave’s group clearly commanded the bar that night.
So yes—Dave was beaten up by a disrespectful and small-minded vendor.
But before you consider this a total victim story, let me submit that there are many victims here.
The biggest is my client, but not just because he was screwed by the venue.
Dave was the biggest loser because he had no idea what value he brought to that venue. He didn’t understand that bringing 40 people to a bar could generate a few thousand dollars for that bar and potentially bring in new customers.
That’s right. He had no idea how valuable he was to the venue, so he acted as if they were doing him a favor by allowing him to use their location!
Instead, he should have recognized that he was bringing THEM value. He has a platform and a community. The venue should have been courting him and doing everything possible to make him happy.
Instead, they killed off what could have been a terrific long-term relationship.
Worse, they created an enemy who has no problem sharing his experience with other group leaders.
So how does this relate to you?
My client did not recognize his value. He didn’t have experience in the marketplace, and he didn’t have any systems or frameworks to follow.
He’s the typical “hackerpreneur.” When you don’t recognize all that you bring to the table, you’re set up to lose.
And lose he did.
Until today.
Today, we had an intervention. Dave told me about his situation, and I walked him through his own business…and why he needs to re-evaluate how he shows up in the world.
He doesn’t need to be arrogant, but he does need to embrace his assets…and be properly compensated for them.
Embrace Your Value. Embrace Your Power!
How does that show up in your life?
Probably the first place is how you price your products and services.
Are you afraid to raise your prices and charge for your real value (not the “I’m not worthy” value that you may be subject to)?
Are you afraid to ask for concessions when you’re negotiating?
Dave thought he was winning when he asked for free drinks for himself. He should have been asking for a percentage of the bar tab! After all, he was bringing them clients at zero cost—what would their advertising cost have been to arrange for those customers?
Dave and I explored all of the benefits he brought to the bar, and by the time we were done, he was fired up! He recognized that he’s the person in control. He can negotiate with different venues to get the best deal.
He brings the audience. He’s got the value. And he’s the one who needs to be strong enough to command the best deal possible.
If he had taken charge from the beginning, it’s more likely that the venue wouldn’t have turned on the game (since that would have been a breach of contract).
The guests would have stayed longer, making it a better event for Dave…and they would have been drinking more, resulting in a profit for the venue.
Because Dave didn’t value himself properly, everyone lost.
Take stock of your situation now. Ask yourself where you're selling yourself short. Better yet—ask your friends and your clients. They’ll tell you!
One of my favorite things to do with my consulting clients is to have them evaluate exactly what value they bring to their customers…and to price accordingly.
I suggest that you spend some time journaling. You deserve the best. You deserve to play a bigger game. And when you play big, you can win big!
Go get ‘em, tiger!
What are your thoughts on this? Respond to today’s email and let us know!
Which famous airline was originally known as “Huff Daland Dusters” and was the first aerial crop dusting company?
Snooze and You Lose: Why Showing Up Matters
Picture this:
You have a meeting tonight with your local chamber of commerce. You don’t have to go, but you know it's good for your business.
One problem—you’re exhausted. All you want is to crawl into bed and drift off to dreamland. Sleep sounds justified. But then, what if you went and met someone amazing—a potential business contact, a new friend, or even Mr./Ms. Wonderful who could change your life forever?
So, do you attend the meeting or blow it off?
We've all been in similar situations. If you've attended in the past, was it worth it? Share your thoughts with us.
Here’s my lesson for you: Get off your ass and go!
Last week, I was recovering from a nasty bug I caught on my last trans-pacific trip. I was exhausted and took an afternoon nap (one of the perks of being a digital nomad is being able to nap whenever you want!).
When I woke up, I felt like I was coming out of a coma—I just wanted to go back to sleep. But I had the monthly Sydney Gay Chamber meeting on my calendar (I love attending local meetups wherever I visit).
Despite wanting to stay in bed, I dragged myself to the meeting.
At each meeting, there's a drawing for door prizes from local businesses. I've previously won theatre tickets and amazing handmade chocolates. This time, the grand prize was a 5-day trip to the Broken Heel Festival, Australia’s annual celebration of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (and this year it’s going to be epic—it’s the movie’s 30th anniversary!).
I was told that the Broken Heel Festival is Australia’s version of Burning Man for the LGBTQ+ community. The winner would receive a $2,000 package for 2 including a stay in a “Glamping Tent.”
Long story short, I won it!
Of course, had I stayed in bed, Broken Heel might have remained a dream.
But by shaking off the slumber, magic was allowed to happen.
The lesson: Get out there! The universe is conspiring in your favor.
Here at the Business Impact Letter, we're always cheering you on. If you're considering nomadic trips, try them! If you're on the road and considering new places, explore them!
Remember this:
When you open yourself to new experiences, magic happens.
Oh, and I AM going to the Broken Heel Festival, and I WILL be reporting back to you.
As a McDonald's advertisement once stated:
You Can’t Win if You Don’t Play!
Time to Create Your Own Economy (and Can Create Generational Wealth)
Everyone seems to worry about the economy—will things get better or worse? What will the upcoming election mean to you?
Guess what? With the right investment strategy, none of that matters…because you can generate dependable wealth regardless of what the news media tells you about the economy.
Now’s the time for you to create a steady stream of cashflow to support your lifestyle.
In other words, you need MULTIPLE streams of income to protect your financial position.
For instance, if you want to help people AND generate some significant cash, you might want to check out this presentation I did with Jason Palliser recently.
He’s got a revenue-generating system that is pretty remarkable. In fact, if you’re struggling with a business that simply isn’t going anywhere, this system could be more than investment—it could relieve the pain on a permanent basis!
We created the presentation for my PrideNomad community, but it applies to everyone who wants to create a location-free revenue stream.
I’ve been a real estate investor (and have trained real estate investors for over 3 decades) and I believe that there’s no better way (aside from your own businesss) to generate generational wealth than real estate.
Watch the presentation and see if you agree!
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
If you’re running your own business, or in any management position, be mindful that in many cases you may be too close to your situation to see all the possibilities in front of you.
We learned that recently with our own PrideNomad promotions. We knew it was a newsletter, but our marketing did not make that clear, and conversions suffered.
It was only by seeking the feedback of others, and by listening in to a focus group that we discovered what was painfully obvious.
Where do YOU have blind spots? Where are you performing less than you’ve planned?
Those are the areas where feedback from others may have value. Note that the feedback only matters if it’s coming from people who are part of your target audience.
You may be shocked to discover (as we were) that what you thought was totally obvious was as clear as mud to your audience!
The big lesson here: Check Your Ego at the Door. Encourage (and reward) feedback and remember that it doesn’t matter who’s right—what matters are the results that you achieve.
Our new slogan is appearing on social media now.
Our research team can create detailed avatars that will transform your marketing strategy and allow you to easily speak your customer’s language. If you’d prefer a reliable done for you solution, simply click here or the link below we’ll set something up right away.
We’re big believers in diversified income generation. We want to work less and play more…so we enthusiastically advocate that you consider investing (wisely) in a variety of areas.
Two of our favorites are below (with deals just for us!)
The Crypto Mastermind. This program, by long-term friend John Limbocker is a gift to us. John wants to get you educated about the right, safe way to invest in the crypto markets. He’s making an irresistible offer to the PrideNomad community, which he’s agreed to extend to Business Impact subscribers as well.
The Surprising Real Estate Strategy. We mentioned this one recently (above, in fact), and it’s a unique and timeless strategy to help you create significant income streams.
Quiz Answer
Delta Air Lines
Delta started as Huff Daland Dusters in 1924, specializing in crop dusting before becoming one of the world’s largest global airlines.
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